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What You Need To Do If You Are Hurt on the Job in Colorado Springs

Workers’ compensation is a vital part of our culture. It’s a form of insurance carried by almost every employer to protect you in case of accidents and injury in the workplace. It’s a no-fault system, which means that in most cases it doesn’t matter what causes your injury, you can get coverage for the damages you’ve suffered.

However, all too often, people find that due to some error or resistance on the part of the insurance company or their employer, claims are unfairly denied. In such cases, you might need help. Explore what happens when you’re hurt on the job, how the compensation process works, and why you may need a Colorado Springs workers’ compensation lawyer.

Understanding Your Rights

Since workers’ compensation is a no-fault system, any time you’re hurt in the course of your duties during the workday you are covered for your medical bills and a portion of your lost wages. It doesn’t matter if you hurt your back lifting a box of paper for the copier, you’re in a car accident on the way to a remote location, or you simply trip and fall on the way to the bathroom.

Worker’s compensation is there to protect workers and represents a responsibility on the part of the employer to protect their workers and provide a workplace that is reasonably safe from accidents and injury. But to take advantage of it, you must take the proper steps.

What to Do If You’re Hurt

The first thing to do is report your injury to your employer. The sooner you do this, the better off you are. In general you have a maximum of a couple of days to make your report, but waiting can often give the insurance company or your boss a reason to deny your claim. After reporting the injury, your supervisor will help you to get the paperwork needed to file a claim and should provide you a list of approved medical providers to see for attention.

When a Personal Injury Claim Occurs

Sometimes, the harm you suffer doesn’t happen in the course of normal work activities. If, for example, you get into a fight with another staff member and they hit you, causing injury, that’s not likely to be covered by workers’ comp. However, in such a case you may be able to file a personal injury claim against that person. This can open the door to a broader range of compensation, but only occurs in specific cases.

When You Need a Colorado Springs Workers’ Comp Lawyer

Getting the compensation you deserve for a work-related injury may require the services of a Colorado Springs workers’ compensation lawyer. The right workers’ compensation attorney can guide you to make the right decisions, determine which cases are workers’ comp cases and which are personal injury ones, and can help you to fight denials.

If you’re facing problems collecting your settlement, the attorneys at Heuser & Heuser, LLP, can help you. Get in touch with us today to discuss the details of your case, and let’s talk about how we can get you the compensation you deserve.