Beca de Derecho de Heuser
En Heuser & Heuser, L.L.P., creemos que la educación continua o la incorporación a las fuerzas armadas crea miembros más inteligentes, más capaces y disciplinados de nuestra sociedad que, a su vez, ayudan a la comunidad en general. Sin embargo, entendemos que las finanzas pueden desempeñar un papel importante en el hecho de que una persona joven tenga o no la oportunidad de obtener una educación superior.
Es por eso que nuestra firma decidió crear la Beca de derecho de Heuser. Si bien la educación tiene un precio, creemos firmemente que cada estudiante debe tener la oportunidad de mejorar a sí mismos. Queremos ayudar a brindar esa oportunidad otorgando CINCO becas de $ 1,000 a los estudiantes de último año de la Preparatoria de Colorado que asistirán a la universidad, escuela de comercio o se unirán al ejército.
Para presentar la solicitud, envíe su composición en papel, de no más de 1,000 palabras, que responda a la siguiente pregunta:
¿Qué es una cosa que cambiarías sobre tu ciudad natal? En su ensayo, describa por qué y cómo la cambiaría y cómo mantendría el cambio que desea ver en su ciudad natal.
Como una firma local de lesiones personales, Heuser & Heuser se preocupa por la comunidad de Colorado Springs y las personas que la integran. Eso significa que todos, incluyendo los miembros más jóvenes de nuestra comunidad. Queremos saber cómo mejorarías nuestra ciudad.
Por favor envíe su presentación a:
Heuser y Heuser, L.L.P.
Atención: Emily Stockton
625 N. Cascade Ave., Suite 300
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Usted es la próxima generación y no podemos esperar a leer sus ideas. Elegiremos 5 composiciones asombrosas y anunciaremos a los ganadores en marzo.
Heuser y Heuser, L.L.P. se dedica a servir a la gente de Colorado Springs y las áreas circundantes. Le damos voz a las personas que han resultado heridas que luchan por sus intereses legales y les ayudamos a obtener la compensación que necesitan para recuperarse y seguir adelante. Nuestros abogados de lesiones personales y todo el personal están apasionados por ayudar a otros. La beca Heuser es una forma en que podemos retribuir a los jóvenes que conforman nuestra gran comunidad. Es un placer ayudar a 5 estudiantes merecedores en sus esfuerzos académicos o militares.
No Fee Unless You Win
Questions Or Schedule A Free Appointment? Click To Call (719) 520-9909
No Fee Unless You Win
Questions or Schedule A free Appointment? Click to Call (719) 520-9909
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Know What My Case Is Worth?
There are a variety of things we look at when evaluating your case and determining its value. We look at how the accident occurred. We look at what sort of injuries you sustained. Do you have a permanent injury that will last the rest of your life? Are you going to have future medical bills? We look at lost wages. Did you lose your job? If you have permanent work restrictions as a result of the accident, you may not be able to find a job very easily in the future. These are some of the factors that we look at in evaluating a claim. Every case is unique and different. That’s why at our law firm, every case gets personal attention from the lawyer when it comes time to evaluate.
Why is it Important to Hire a Lawyer?
Insurance companies are in business for a reason: to make money. Anytime they are paying money on a claim, it means less money to their bottom line. They have literally hundreds of adjusters and hundreds of lawyers who are on their side trying to figure out how to prevent money from leaving their checkbooks. Quite frankly, you do need a lawyer to help you through this because your lawyer will make sure you’re properly compensated.
Do Cases Settle Without Going to Court?
Cases settle before going to trial 80 to 90 percent of the time. However, that doesn’t mean there’s not a lot of work involved in getting a case settled outside of court. Sometimes you have to file a lawsuit and do a lot of what I call “legal maneuvering” to get a case settled. That means we take depositions from witnesses to the accident, from police officers, and from your doctors. But, yes, most cases will settle prior to trial.
Do You Get Good Results for Your Clients?
We do get good results for our clients. We have settled hundreds, if not thousands, of cases where we’ve had large settlements. We’ve had substantial verdicts. We go to the mat for our clients if necessary. We’ll appeal cases. We’ll do whatever it takes to make sure our client is taken care of.
See What Our Clients Say
No Fee Unless You Win
Questions Or Schedule A Free Appointment? Click To Call (719) 520-9909
No Fee Unless You Win
Questions or Schedule A free Appointment? Click to Call (719) 520-9909
Our Attorneys
Gordon J. Heuser, Esq.
As a Colorado Springs native, Gordon has been practicing in Southern Colorado for 35+ years.…
Barkley D. Heuser, Esq.
Barkley Heuser is a Colorado native, and has lived in Colorado Springs for over 59…
Brennan D. Heuser, Esq.
Brennan Heuser is a Colorado Native who graduated from the University of Miami, Fl with…
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Professional Associations
Our Recent Blogs
What You Need to Know About the Colorado Dog Bite Law
In the United States, thousands of emergency room visits happen daily due to serious dog…
What You Need to Know About the Colorado Slip and Fall Law
Slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere—a wet store floor, uneven steps, uncleared snow, or…
Who Is Liable When Debris Causes an Accident with an Overloaded Truck in Colorado?
Driving near a commercial truck that’s carrying too much cargo can be dangerous. An overloaded…
Want To Learn More About Your Colorado Car Accident Case? Download Our EBook, On Us!
We wanted to find a way to make your car wreck case even easier for you. That is why we wrote this guide that will provide you with the critical information you need to know about your car accident case.
As car accident law professionals, we have seen too many individuals lose out on their maximum owed compensation. Don’t miss out on the settlement you deserve! In this book, you will learn how to:
- Avoid the key mistakes that can derail your claim.
- Know what you should and shouldn’t say if an insurance adjuster contacts you
- Understand the dos and don’ts of social media.
- Position yourself to collect full and fair compensation for your injuries.
No Fee Unless You Win
Questions Or Schedule A Free Appointment? Click To Call (719) 520-9909
No Fee Unless You Win
Questions or Schedule A free Appointment? Click to Call (719) 520-9909
Our Locations
Heuser & Heuser, LLP
Colorado Springs Office
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